Throughout the years, researchers from the faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) developed various survey and screening tools for older adults that can be used in social gerontology, psychology, health and social care, nursing, and many other research fields. This website provides an overview of these instruments, a translation in various languages and guidelines for use and translation to other languages. All instruments are free to use.
Following survey and screening tools for older adults are available:
Short Well-being Instrument for Older adults
The Short Well-being Instrument for Older adults (SWIO) presents a short instrument to evaluate the level of well-being, based on three domains: sense of mastery, meaning in life and life satisfaction.
Risk on Elder Abuse and Mistreatment Instrument
The Risk on Elder Abuse and Mistreatment Instrument (REAMI) supports professionals to prevent and assess elder abuse.